Friday, May 8, 2009

Patxi López is the first socialist lehendakari in the history of the basque country. The day he was named lehendakari he said his lehendakaritza was going to be focussed on making agreements and "rehumanizing" the basque population. Patxi López was accorded for lehendakari by the mayority, with the 25 of his deputes and 13 of the PP. He said:
"Me he mantenido bastante tranquilo, aunque he estado al borde (de las lágrimas), ha habido mucha emoción", dijo a los periodistas al salir del pleno. "Hay mucha gente que ha luchado por esto toda su vida".
There are many people who have fought all their lives for this change and at once it has changed!
During the sesion the last basque president, Juan Jose Ibarretxe said he'll refuse from active politics.
Patxi lopez called for ETA and told them that they were not going to be able to get their objectives yet he would do what is in his hands to stop it from happening. He said: "ETA se encuentra en la posición más débil de su historia, por mucho que todavía tenga capacidad de matar".This is a good sign for the basque people.

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